Faux whipped cream / Whip-type clay

Faux whipped cream / Whip-type clay by Fando

Fake whipped cream clay by Fando to simulate the soft and fluffy appearance of fresh cream.

To use:
- Cut the tip off a plastic piping bag so that the icing tip can be inserted.
- Equip your piping bag with a desired icing tip (metal or plastic).
- Cut open wide end of the packet with scissors.
- Insert the open end of the packet into plastic piping bag and push out the clay into the piping bag.
- Twist the open end of the piping bag close.
- Apply whip type clay on craft items.
- Allow the whip-type clay 24 hours to dry and harden after application.
- May need sealant to finish the item after it is dry.

Verdict: Lovely and matte. It really looks like the whipped cream you get on fresh cream cakes!


  1. I really like this whipped cream clay it works wonders, would you mind telling me what sealants are? I haven't used any before, how do they work? and what brands are good to use? thanks

  2. @Namalie above:
    Sealants aren't specific to deco sweets, but there are some specific brands dedicated to clay crafts (e.g. Padico). You can buy the non-specific ones from your local arts and craft shop.

    For deco sweets, I use mainly:

    Matte types
    Glossy types

    When checking out the labels on potential sealants, you will need sealants that work for clay or wood items--preferably not aerosol-types or the ones with hazardous chemicals in them. You should be able paint the sealants on using a paintbrush.


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